Accelerating Meditation Using Neuroimaging-guided Neuromodulation
INSTITUTION: Institute for Advanced Consciousness Studies
PROJECT LEADERS: Nicco Reggente, Ph.D., Joshua Cain, Ph.D.
PROJECT DURATION: First year of funding: 2020; Estimated completion: 2023
We are evaluating the impact of using Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound (LIFU) to induce deep meditative states. We are conducting the basic research needed to determine the optimal brain regions, stimulation parameters, and state-dependent conditions that lead to reliable descents into deep meditative states. More specifically, we are taking a personalized approach by evaluating multiple sites of stimulation across multiple sessions within the same individuals. We also aim to leverage EEG signatures of brain connectivity measures that can automatically trigger stimulation when individuals are most “ripe” for a “nudge” into these elusive deep meditative states.
Broader Impact: If we are successful in reliably inducing meditative states with neuromodulation, our protocols could be used to compliment therapeutic interventions-- extending the rich benefits of meditation to non-practitioners that would typically elude them until after multiple years of practice.
Dell’Italia, J., Sanguinetti, J., Monti, M., Bystritsky, A., Reggente, N., (2022).
Low intensity ultrasound for neuromodulation: A review of mechanisms and outcomes.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience – Brain Imaging and Stimulation (Accepted March 2022).